The Hipster Brigade
Sunday, December 16, 2001
Ok, a real post this time. My life is been filled with so many great things lately. It's amazing how your life can start looking up when people compliment you and cute boys from Wentworth bring happiness in your life and bike over at 10:30 at night just for a little two hour visit. I'm glad that he doesn' t know the address to this site...hahaha. He has a girlfriend, it's unfortunate because I really think that I've found my soulmate with him. I know that sounds really cheesy, but he's the first guy that I haven't been ashamed of in public. Like, we were holding hands - in a friendly way - and I was really happy and glad that we were doing that in public.

News Flash, this just in: Kate is addicted to cheese-flavored chips of all sorts. YUM!

Ok, back to the Wentworth boy...I know that it's wrong that I like him, but I know he likes me back. I feel bad about his girlfriend though, she's so beautiful and he tells me that his heart belongs to her, but I wish that I could steal him away. That's so bad...but if I feel this strongly about him, is it that wrong.

I would love to paint your nails Shane.

Ok, I went to the Bosstones/Catch 22 show last night with this guy from BU. No clickage. I'm harsh I know, but he wasn't my type. I'm glad that I went to the show though. Catch played all their songs too fast and I couldn't sing along. However, I did meet this fine foxy guy there...and I gave him a note...and he IMed me last night, and know I'm on my way to go see him. It's kinda funny. I've become a real sex goddess lately. However, he did go to Wentworth for a year...hahaha, the only men that I attract go to Wentworth...I'm destined to marry a complete computer nerd, though I really want a punk boyfriend. *sighs*

I think my Soulmate would let my paint his nails...he's weird like that.

Um, yeah...I have to study for finals now. I will do good on my exam. I will do good on my exam. I will do good on my exam. Wait, I will do well on my exam. I will do well on my exam. I will do well on my exam...please pray for me. I really need it...I haven't studied one iota...I suck.

Oh, I met a guy from Dallas...we're gonna hang out when I get home. He will not be my soulmate...maybe I'm bias. I don't know. I will write more later.

I saw the HOTTIE and P.H. the other day. They both looked good. P.H. is really cute and he wears cute little hats and he likes to cuddle (so i've heard) and he writes poetry...mad wicked awesome poetry. *sighs* I will stop now....I will stop.

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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