The Hipster Brigade
Monday, December 17, 2001
You know what? I hate mood swings. I cannot decide what I'm thinking what moment to the next. Maybe because I'm so tired as I'm writing this right now. My brain is turned off for the rest of the day. I took my History of Jazz final and that's all that matters. My head hurts too much. I talked to my SOULMATE today...but guess what, he mentioned the gf and well...I guess he will never lose her for me. I guess...I'll just wait and see what happens. I'm probably going to get hurt from all this like stuff. Guys = Hurt. It's a very simple truth that all girls should really sucks. I think that all men are programmed with some horny gene that makes them irresisitable to us, and then they have girlfriends, but still flirt with you and you feel unltra horrible about your life, because you know that you've met your soulmate...but of course, they are already with their own soulmate, and they aren't gonna drop them for you. Even if they say sweet things and hold hands and flirt with you. Whatever...I'm probably going to change my mind soon anyways. This is so dumb. I want a boyfriend, I say I don't need one...but fuck that shit. I'm a fucking loony toon. Aarrrggg...blah!

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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