The Hipster Brigade
Saturday, January 26, 2002
I keep running into the Hottie like all ove the place on campus. I saw him twice yesterday. It's funny because when I use to see him I would swoon and now I made this really funny grimace towards him. I wonder if he's noticed yet? Blah...I really despise the kid. I really don't know what I did wrong. What did I do that made him hate me so much? I mean, if having a crush on someone and trying to be nice and sweet to someone is a crime...I guess that's what I committed. Some boys are just strange.

Yesterday, the girls and I and Steve all hung out together. I like Steve a lot. He's so sweet. We are reading the same book and we talked about it last night. He's gonna let me borrow a bunch of his old skool punk CDs. I'm really excited about it considering I've never heard any of it. I was reading the "Wha?" Yes, it's a good's called "Please Kill Me." Yes, I know that you don't put book titles in there. Blar!! I wish I had something more interesting to say right now. I just think that I should try to update this more frequently than I had been in the past.

Less Than Jake is coming the Avalon March 14th. I think I'm gonna drag Kate. It will be MUCH FUN! Ok, that is all. Laters.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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