The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, January 31, 2002
My mom has started this annoying habit of calling me in the mornings before class. I mean this would be fine if I didn't have class until like 1 AM...well, she calls me at my mother likes to use as many words to describe things as possible. I can't concentrate...the girls are here and they are making a ruckus and destroying my concentrate.

Let's try my mom called again tonight...I've started answering the phone with the phrase Diana's Brothel..hahaha. I think my mother thinks I'm some kind of sex fiend. Which I'm not. That's so ridiculous, but ya know...boys are here and boys are definately on my mind a lot. Too much. I had all these really great revelations to tell you today but now I can't think of a single one. I was called mature today. I think that's pretty gosh darn funny...but of course I take it. I guess I am...just because I'm getting older and that sorts of crap. It kinda sux because I want to be a teenager for as long as I can. Though when I was a teenage it really really sucked a whole lot. It's incredible how much I hated being a teenager. I had no boyfriends. I had no life. I was such a huge nerd. I mean I was just a lonely acne ridden, Smashing Pumpkin, Billy Corgan obsessive teenage girl who dressed in a lot of sweaters even in the summer. I had this huge crush on this boy named Shawn...I loved how that is spelled...and he was so incredible. He smoked cigarettes...and of course pot...but I turned my head at that. I really wanted him for my own. I wanted to be his girlfriend. His favorite band was Nine Inch Nails and he owned like a ton of NIN was kinda incredible. He played guitar and had long blondish hair. He was so attractive. He had blue eyes and was thin and lanky. He was so perfect. He started liking my senior year...I had liked him since sophomore year. We started giving hugs to each other. It was such flirting. I kissed him once. On the cheek. It was such a riot. I talked to him recently and he seemed so excited to talk to me. He hasn't changed much. I have though. He seemed still interested in me. That's funny. He should have a girlfriend...but who knows. Life is life. Wow...I'm profound.

"No, mate. I'm for Real." Russell Crowe

~Mrs. Adams

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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