The Hipster Brigade
Wednesday, January 30, 2002
So the things with the Soulmate have ended or something like that. Of course I still have HUGE feelings for him. I mean, just because we aren't together and we aren't like talking right now means that my feelings are gonna change over night. Of course, that would make life a lot easier for me. I miss him. I still think of him, and because I've taken him to all my spots around campus my spots have become Soulmate spots too. So that makes it hard being reminded of him. I don't regret anything I do, only the things that I didn't do. There are plenty of things I wish I had done or taken Soulmate when we were kinda together. You know for like a week. Haha!

Today I decided to wear a skirt. I am punk as all fuck today. I wore a black and red plaid skirt with black knee highs. Black tank top with silver star. Cuffs on my wrists. My red short cutie hair. Some guy whistled at me. He was ugly. It was cold today and rainy. It always rains when I wear skirts.

I want a PUNK boyfriend. I know I'm not too punk. Acutally, I want to go out with Ryan Adams. He's gorgeous. David Ryan Adams. I found out why I don't go out with guys from my college. They are lame and boring. No offense...but I haven't met that many great guys here at my college. Maybe one day. Hahaha. I don't think I want any more techno geeks though. Computer nerds. Whatever...I like them too. I just wish they were more punk. Ok, maybe if they wore converse. That is all.

~Mrs. Ryan Adams

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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