The Hipster Brigade
Saturday, February 02, 2002
I added a new guestbook...yes, the other one still exists but not on this journal right now. I'm thinking of changing the background. I can't decide because the background I like does this annoying thing when you scroll up and down the screen...also, there is no place on the side to add links...which is quite upsetting. I like links. Especially my links. I bought Pete Yorn - Music for the Morning After. It's really good. Somebody sorta recommended it to me in a very indirect way. Actually they just said Pete Yorn was good. Also, he's sorta kinda cute in that rock 'n roll kind of way. I like musicians. I think we all know this by now. I really do. ;-)

It's the fucking weekend. I am a ska freak that likes to skank on the weekend. That might already be in here somewhere, but it's so funny I decided to put it here again. It describes me so well. Hahaha. Some people don' t know what skanking is...which is sad...I love to skank though I don' t do it well. It's the dance you do to ska music. I am wearing my favorite shirt. It's sleeveless, it's the star tank...kinda like a muscle tee sorta thing...cause it's not really like a real tank top. But I really like it, so I'm wearing it way too much lately. It gives me an excuse to shave under my arms. I'm sure everyone wanted to hear about that. Shaving sux. I hate it. But I do it. Well, sometimes. I am too fucking honest. That's what makes my journal so fucking good. I like the word FUCK! So I can't be Melissa Auf de Maur...cause her shup me up says, "I fuck, but I don't say fuck." Maybe we are opposites and somehow that makes me like her. I have no clue. Alrighty...this is getting quite out of hand. I was just suppose to update you on the new guestbook.

Oh, updated Skyler's blog page...this is his livejournal, which he writes in more frequently. It's ok. Skyler is a good writer. I have no clue about Kate's. She is a strange one. I don't understand her because she used pronouns and I use stupid nicknames that most people can figure out with some ounce of a brain, but oh well...yet again instant rambling.

Ok, goodnight fuckers!

~Mrs. Adams

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