I desk sit. That means I am security for my college. I'm sure that I've written about this before. I love my job. It's great you sit there and listen to music...and it's sorta like being a DJ, cause everyone that goes in and out has to listen to it...or at least grin and bear it. I love making people listen to ska and punk and ryan adams and smashing pumpkins. I'm listening to Wheatus..they are a really great band. I highly recommend them. I can't explain them. They sing that Teenage Dirtbag song. My dad really likes this song, which is slightly disturbing for some reason. Also, my dad likes ska music, which also distrubs me. Though I did teach my mom Stabbing Westward. It's so funny..."Mom, who is this?" Replies: "Stabbing Westward." She says this to every group though. It's kinda funny. I miss my mom. She is such a busy woman and is never at home. I'm starting wonder if she doesn' t like me. Hahaha. I hope that isn't so!
I have nothing more interesting to say. I like pears. Have you heard about The Pear torture device...all I can say is OUCH! I can't explain what it does bacause it makes me hurt.
~Mrs. Adams