The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, February 07, 2002
I may or may not have a date for this weekend. I'm waiting patiently for a reply. Ok, rather impatiently...I've sorta left the request in someone's mailbox online. He's punk and really cute. This would be the first date that I've had with a real punk boy. This make me very happy. If we do end up going out it would be nice if we got along. It would also be nice if it worked out and that I could have a stud muffin of a punk boyfriend. Not that I'm very concerned with looks. I just like the idea of having a punk boyfriend that has a leather jacket and a motorcycle. I don't know if I have enough guts to ride a motorcycle. Actually, it's not the riding I'm scared's the falling off. Oh, and I think I may look dumb in a helmet. I don't want to look dumb, fall off, or die because he's a really bad driver. Hahaha. I'm sure none of this would happen, except looking stupid in the helmet. I think a lot of trust goes into riding a motorcycle. Also, I just realized I've misspelled motorcycle until just now. I had to go back and change them all. Oh, well. I'll tell ya guys how it all works out or if anything new happens.

~Mrs. Adams

P.S. Found new ska band that I really like: The Suicide Machines! Check them out! Also, download audiogalaxy. It makes life happy. :-)

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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