The Hipster Brigade
Friday, February 01, 2002
I prefer cats to dogs. I have two cats...two black cats...Tuffy and Barbara. I didn't name Barbara. She is Tuffy's mom. She, Barbara, had four kittens. Two boys and two girls...Yochek, Hercules, Thumbelina, and Tuffy. We gave two away and kept two. All the kittens were black too. My mom liked this a lot, since she likes things to match. My mom likes everyone's items to match their outfit...likes shoes and purse and's kinda a lot to handle sometimes. I love it's what makes mom...MOM. Hahaha.

I also have a dog too. We found him outside of a grocery store called Tom Thumb. He is part Jack Russell Terrior and part some other kind of terrior. He has spots and we make fun of him...and ask who his mother was. He just kinda smiles at us like dogs like to do. I miss my dog. He's great. He has fleas and lately he has been barking at them like this..."grrr, grrr." Pretty funny. He also rubs his butt up and down against the sofa. It's really quite funny.

I know that lately my posts have been about the past. I'm just being nostalgic I guess. I spelled that wrong. I miss these things and being young. Plus, you guys don't really know much about me. Not that I have a huge fan base or anything, but I like to mix up my posts a little bit. Keep it fresh. Me and the Soulmate are "good friends" now...whatever the hell that means. I enjoy him. I wish things didn't have to change...I'm not sure if they did...other than we probably won't fool around anymore. I'll miss that. I love his lips. I'm sure that everyone wants to read about that, but it's true. Of course I haven't kissed a whole bucket load of guys either. So who knows? I'm confused.

~Mrs. Adams

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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