The Hipster Brigade
Saturday, April 13, 2002
Alright, in the next few days I'm gonna really try to make my blog a better place to visit. The layout is really annoying me. I think I'm gonna repost some things on my geocities page. It will look much nicer for it. Well, I hope to do that. I'm not really sure how to do html on that page, but we'll see if I'm smart enough to figure it out. Hahahah. Ok, enough layout babble.

So today I realized something dreaded. I miss home. I miss mom. I want to go home! I really do. Just for a bit. I don't know what's come over me. It's just wrong. I really do despise Texas. I wish I could get over it. I'm not bashing Texas, it's just not for me. I don't want hate mail. I'm an East Coast girl. I really am. I love Boston, but I mean it's nice to go out and get a Dr. Pepper whenever you want. Just sit back and take rides in the car. Make my mom suffer through ska music. I mean home has it's benefits. I don't want to work this summer though. Bleh, no way Jose. I just hate the thought of not being able to work at the library, because they gave my position away. She said she would have kept it for me too, if she knew. Which is a load of bullshit because she knew that I was going home this summer. Whatever, the library is all full of evil city lies. I love the library though. Books. My first love!

I'm hungry for Fritos. Actually, just chips in general. I want some chips. Baked Lays perhaps. I had lemon cookies this morning. It's too hot outside. 73. I bought sandels to for the occasions. I'm still wearing my converse though. Oh, and I have "Blister in the Sun" on repeat. It's starting to get on my nerves now. Alright, I changed the song to "I Miss You" by Bjork. She is an awesome pixie princess. She is so cute. I like her swan dress. I think she is super neat-o!

Oh, go to this. I didn't know that James Iha (for those out of the loop, ex-guitarist for Smashing Pumpkins) has a clothing line. It's so awesome. He is one beautiful man. His songs are not my style but I do enjoy "Jealousy" and "Country Girl" a whole lot. Good cute and cheesy lovey songs. Everyone needs that once in a while. Also, go here and visit ANNA. She has a link up to my site. I thought I would do a favor and giver her a huge props here on mine. She reminds me of myself. We have a lot of the same interests. Plus, Austin just kix ass if you have to choose a place in Texas that should be it. I don't hate all of Texas just most of it. Hahahaha. I am a laugh a minute here.

Hmm, so I have a 149 days to meet Billy Corgan and make him fall madly in love with me. Do you think it will happen? I predicted that we would get married when I was 20. I was right when I said that I would meet him when I was 18 and he was 34. I met him when he was 33 and 34. So there, all in like a matter of months apart from each other. That just rocks. I am that good. So I'll let you know if I get chained down to one man exclusively. He's really got a sexy charm about him. I think I am really attracted to intelligence more than to looks. I like a lot of boys right now that their knowledge just blows me away. I mean yah they aren't bad to look at, but I mean I am way more turned on by that than anything else.

Indie Rock Boys make me drool. Pretentious rock snobs do the same thing. Are you a musician? Are you single? Are you a male? Are you intelligent? Leave me a message. Hahaha. I should rename my journal. I don't want a punk boy anymore. I want a cute indie rock boy with a mod haircut. Boys with longish hair rock my world. Will I ever get any action?

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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