The Hipster Brigade
Wednesday, April 10, 2002
Fuck! That's a great start for this entry. What the fuck have I been thinking lately? I've been thinking with the nether regions again. Oh, dear. Boys, Boys, Boys! It's horrible. Stop thinking about x, x being sexual touch. I love describing ways that way. It's fantastic. So Sunday I stayed up until 5 am on AIM, and yesterday I was on the phone from 8:30 until 3 am. I mean jesus. What is wrong with me? Sorry, about my lack of taste in language. But I'm analyzing myself right now. It's so damn frustrating. Right now, I just want some stupid fling. I need to just get rid of these horribly sucky feelings. Not horrible but horrible to possess because they don't go away. Mmm, all I want is x. Yummy yummy x. See, I'm slightly obsessed. I'm starting to turn into someone that would call for a booty call. Well, only a close friend or something. I think it's because I'm not gonna be getting any when I'm back home in Texas. It's so gross. I need this. I just need some boy to molest for awhile. Just some little snuggle bunny that can tell me cute stories and share his BELTS with me! Someone to cuddle with. Someone...fuck...let's cut to the chase, to mess around with. I need that. I need to show that I can be passionate and intense dammit. It's in there somewhere. That animal exists in me deep down. I know it does. Biting is fun. I'm tired. Nap for a tiny bit. Later.

I'm in the "H" zone still. Try figuring that one out there.

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