The Hipster Brigade
Monday, April 15, 2002
I hate when you start feeling so shitty that you go back to sleep instead of staying awake when you were pefectlly fine staying awake, but instead crawl back inbetween the sheets and realize that you have to much work to do that you are going to slowly begin to slaughter everything that gets in your way even your best friends. I can't believe this. I hate my mother, I don't hate her I just have a great problem with her right now. I didn't want to talk to her. She is bothering the shit out of me. I just want to sit back and not have to worry about anything. All my entires lately have been so boring and blah. I don't know. Yes, I've been talking about guys way too often in here. Most of this is just going to be rambling. Oh well, get used to it sucker. Have you noticed I've picked up this cynical bitter tone lately. I am just mad angy bitter at the world right now. Why isn't anything going my way. I hate this. I'm going to have to be up all night doing things for my paper. I refuse to be writing this on Thursday night. I will pace myself. Shit, I just remembered I needed to email my classmates. Shit. SHIT!! shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. I should have done that on Thursday. Damn you. Arg. Sorry, I am so irresponsible. I can't even have friends. I should just grow mold and lock myself in the 10th floor fridge where I can be thrown away and contained of properly. What is wrong with me? I think that if I don't get any boy action soon I'm going to go fucking insane. I need to get this done today:

1) Financial Aid
2) Email classmates
3) Peer Reviews
4) Writers Block Meeting at 8
5) Paper on Ingrid Newkirk
6) Watch James Bond Movie
7) Slit wrists

Possibly, not all in that order. ARG! I need a quick diagnosis! Please I'm willing to take anyone. I changed the name of my blog. Indie Boys I'm waiting. I will cut my hair, change the style of music I listen to or at least give yours a try, and be cute and stylish for you. Alright, I will try to be these things. All I ask for in return is a few bites on the neck and a flower. And some post-its. I know you can afford you it you rock snobs. See look at me now I'm starting to insult the boys that I want.

I'm sorry bad day. I'm going to go away and try to think more positively. I think I should listen to the Deathray Davies. They are happy. I'm sorry that this post had to happen this way. Bad Diana, Bad!!! *scolds self*

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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