The Hipster Brigade
Monday, April 08, 2002
It's boston. It's spring. It's tourist season. I hate the weekends. Go the fuck away your tourists. I was one once, but now it's my home and it's annoying sometimes. Plus, I suck at giving directions. I live right down the street from the Bull and Finch Pub though aka Cheers! You know the tourists from miles off all carrying fucking yellow bags full of the useless junk they must sell there. I haven' t been there, but my mom, sister, and dad have gone. See...tourists. Eh, what to do?

Right two things that make me happy. Little puppies and Ice cream. I saw a puppy today and the ice cream trunk was outside, but alas they were closed. I was so in the mood for an orange soda and vanilla soft serve. Oh, well there is always tomorrow. It's still not very hot yet. I think it might rain. It's sorta muggy out right now.

Listen to Suicide Machines! Now!!

I can't wait to go to Warped Tour...all I've been listening to is Five Iron Frenzy. They rock my little world. *sighs* Wholesome good ole fun for the whole fam. I mean, they are Christian Ska. It makes no difference they still rock my ass. Sorry, Kate...our ass. Long story.

I'm running out of funny anedotes. I need something to write about. Bleh...I am not a sex machine. Wait, no...yes I am.

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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