The Hipster Brigade
Friday, April 12, 2002
My weatherbug had been saying the same temperature for 3 days. I was had to reopen it. I was like there is no way that it's only 47 outside. It's almost 60 out. As much as I despise hot weather, I love having spring weather again. I love seeing people on the benches in the park again. I wish I had a little boy toy to cuddle in the park. Drats! That's all I can say about that. I don't like the tourists though. They can go to hell. Go back home you fucking tourists! Alright, now with that in the open I can continue on with peace. There is this homeless man that I see sometimes in the park. He likes to sit in the same sun spot when it's sunny hotside. He makes me so sad. I never noticed before, but he has this horrible sores on his ankles and he's sunburned pretty badly. I would love to go out and just buy him new clothes and a hat. I don't know what I can do about his ankles. They are all cracked and look horrible. I almost cried. I have never felt this way about a homeless person before, because normally they dont' look this bad. I mean I think a lot of the Boston homeless are frauds to tell you the truth. A lot of them are wearing clean clothes and look pretty well off for a homeless person, especially the ones that sit and harass you. The real homeless don't harass people for money. They are the crazy ones that are dirty and screen obscenities to themselves or to imaginary things that they see. These are the homeless people that we need to help. Maybe I'll go out and get him something special.

I feel damn sexy today. I am wearing my hip hugger flares. Normally, I feel like a huge blob, but today the ego is in full swing. I look hot. It must have been the not eating very much thing. I feel so much better to. I like not being a pig. I mean I feel so hot and sexy and like "fuck the world" today. I feel positive and I don't care about anyone's opinion. All this feeling came to me in like a matter of an hour. I don't know where it did, but I'm glad that it arrived. I deserve to feel sexy and hot. I need it. I love these pants. Alright.

Oh, hi to my special Jello buddy. You know who you are. Yummy, lime. Hmm, can I unbuckle that belt for you? Inside jokes kick ass. :-)

I will see you soon my special blogger buddies. I love you all.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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