So what to make of an IM message that tells me, and I quote: "You're diseased." What does that mean? I'm confused. Maybe you can help me out here. Perhaps an email. Are you okay? What is wrong honey? I do not like That Boy anymore. Sometimes I wonder why I don't regret things that I should regret. I guess it's because if I did that I would be super emo girl. Hmm...a new super hero perhaps?! I think so. I smell NBC knocking on my door sometime soon.
NBC: "Miss Diana, what is up with this Super Emo Girl? What is this? How much do you want for it?"
Me: " apartment in Boston. A starring role for Laura, Meg, and me. Got that? You better."
I'm not an actress. I use to be in school plays when I was little. I was in school plays until the 7th grade actually. That's not really that long ago if you think about it. It's scary how your life goes by so quickly. For the first time in my life people are actually recognizing me for my age. This is nice. I wish I was a Junior in college. That would be lovely. I like Boston though. I sorta want to drag it out. I've also have loved hanging out here with Laura. I can truly say that these past days have been incredible. Last night, we went into all the empty dorm rooms. After they cleaned them they left the doors open and we went room shopping. We found this one dorm on the 10th floor with this beautiful marble fireplace. The fireplace doesn't work but it's beautiful. We're putting that on the list of rooms we are interested in for next year. I really want a room for next year, but if I can't get one I'm just going to get an apartment and start working my ass off during the summer. I'm going to have to find some "flatmates" though so I don't have to pay some ridiculous and outlandish prices. I'm not scared of living on my own anymore. I can cope. It's amazing what the distance from home can do to you. I want to go home, but not really. I want to stay here in Boston. I want to see my sister and mom and dog and cats and everyone but I love it here so much. Here is where my freedom is. Here is where my heart is. I love it here. I don't know if it's just Boston or it would just be anywhere where I was free to live life the way I deem it should be lived. I'm not being ruled by some parental units. Where indie boys are plentiful. Anywhere where the temperature doesn't rise to 100 + a thousand and 3 humidity. I hate the hot. Snow is my friend. The rain is my friend.
It's raining right now actually. Some of the clearest thoughts ever are coming out of my fingertips right now. I'm not sure what it is. Probably lack of sleep. I am so horrible at constructing sentences and being lazy doesn't help either. I want to start a zine this summer. Maybe I'll actually do it. I miss it already...writing...and Boston...even classes and I'm still here. Next year is going to be a dream.
Today I was listening to alternative music.
Collective Soul. I don't miss it. I don't get that same high anymore off of it. I mean
Smashing Pumpkins are always going to be in my heart forever, but to me they are so much more than just a band. They are more than music. They are a way of life. I must say that I just dig the current trend of pop indie bands right now.
Go listen to
The Strokes. They will make your life a happier and dancier place. Who cares if the lyrics really are sad? The music is hip.