The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, November 21, 2002
ARG! all i want to be right now is sleeping but i'm starting to think better of skipping class. so, i'm going since i'm failing one of my classes anyhow. so there, i'm being good. i don't suck and the world won't end. blah.

last night was so encouraging. a lot of people reached out to me that i didn't think would. i guess sometimes i take what i have for granted. i gave my note to the roommates but last night was nice. i hated to break the mood by giving them my paranoid spiel. i know that it's somewhat my fault but still. i'm feeling this way for a reason not just because i've been sleeping for a million hours a day.

i REALLY don't want to go to class. really. really. i'm going though. i'm going. alright, i guess i should get moving and get ready for the day. i don't want to and all i am thinking about is coming back from class and napping. i guess i should eat but eating takes time away from sleeping. hmm...that can't be a good sign. i'll eat. i eat. i will. i'll make time. i hate thursdays. they are way too busy to think.

p.s. miss nikki made my day with her away message. also, emailed certain someone *wink wink* and waiting for a response. he promised so he better deliver. oh, derek was on aim at a strange time last night. i'm not stalking him down it's just that when i got up this morning because i couldn't sleep i found that he was idle. isn't 4 am a little late for a teacher to be up? hmm hmm. something to ponder about.

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