I guess you can't really know someone just by long lists of things. They afterall, just things that a person likes. I wouldn't say I'm someone defined by what they like. I do like a lot of things though. I rub off of other people. Mostly, this is taste in music. Name a band and I'll probably go listen to it if it's in a certain genre. Ska. Punk. Indie. Rock. Alternative. Alt. Country. Singer/Songwriter. More so, if it's a man than if it's a woman singer. I really don't listen to women artists that much. I'm not sure why. I never have. It must be because most fields are taken over by male artists. Rock and Roll has become all about testorone. I don' t mind it though. I like my tame indie pop songs.
I guess that's what sorta prompted this point I'm trying to make. Oh, well. I really want some coffee. How about you?