The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
well, i thought that since i'm awake anyways that i might as well have a little heart to heart. it's hard to hear over the huge headache i have though. i can't sleep because i have this terrible aching all over. why am i this sick? i think it's some sort of curse. oh well. i guess i deserve considering everyone else i know got something. blah. and i thought i was just lucky. haha.

yeah, so there's this cute quasi punk i'm interested in and somehow i need to prove to him that it's not some sort of phase. i'm really not sure how to go about that. how to prove that what one feels is the way one feels? i thought about a tattoo. i'm so serious. i would get a tattoo that only he would understand. somewhere on my the inside of my arm. so it's there but it's not blatently obvious. i should go check out how much it would be. oh, and how much it would hurt. but you have to start somewhere. i've always wanted a tattoo. i want stars. lovely lovely start. and NO, i'm not emo. thank you very much.

everyone has star tattoos. jeez, we're all emo. what a sad realization, mostly because emo has lost it's meaning because it's overused and no one knows what it actually means anymore, including me.

jawbreaker apparantly was one of the first emo bands.

who am i kidding, i read that out of a Magnet. awesome magazine really. go pick one up and your local snobby music store. great read.

i am trying to read the age of spiritual machines by ray kurzweil. i need to start. i want to start. thanksgiving reading perhaps. i only have a thousand desk hours to get through. why is our break so short anyways? i need a lot of relax time. i feel myself crumbling under all this stress. i should move out of the city but i love it here. i can't imagine not being surrounded by all the noise. it's quite cheering really.

i thought it was raining tonight but it ended up being my imagination again. i'm really hungry for eggs. i haven't eaten all day. i'm starved. i wish i didn't have to go to class. i also wish i could fall asleep. i feel sooo sick!

sorry, that this entry was a waste of time. i was trying to be witty but it didn't work out. next time i promise quality content.

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