The Hipster Brigade
Monday, November 11, 2002
What happened to the 80s? I like new wave. I miss it. I miss early ninties grudge. What's wrong with that? I don't think there's been a better band than Nirvana. Yeah, I think Kurt deserves all the fame. He probably wouldn't have if he didn't die though. I think he got to his prime. Then crashed and burned. That's probably a good thing. The music is raw and pure. No, I'm not glad he's dead. But look at the Smashing Pumpkins. Come on...two electric albums. I miss the days of the beauty and simpleness of Siamese Dream and I will always stand behind Mellon Collie 100%. I'm a mellon collie girl all the way. It got me through the worse times. It probably caused some of those bad times. Nothing like being depressed. Not real depression but the depression you make in your head so you have a safe place to go to when you are sad and want to stay that way.

I went on a visit to Starbucks. First time since sometime this summer. I adore coffee. Tea...even better.

Let's go have tea and get drunk off of cheap beer. (Not that I drink beer, but for you the world.) If you think this is about you, than you are probably wrong. I'm only living for myself now. I use to have a second half. The good side. Now it's just me and me. All by lonesome searching for the truth in the matter.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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