Why does my life get so good and than it all comes crashing down on me and I feel hopeless again? How come the only emails I get are from people I don't want to hear from? Don't you think you are blocked for a reason? I don't want to hear from you. You hurt me so bad and now's not the time to hear it again. NOW...is simply not the time because I am too weak right now and I might go running back because I don't know who else to run and I feel so lonely and anyone would do and you are the closest and I'm crying as I wrote this because I just had the worst dream ever in my whole entire life and I woke up crying from that and than the stupid email!
Then, of course, (and I'm writing this later in a less panicked state) I did IM him and we did talk and he tried to be nice but of course nice to him isn't quite nice at all. I just wanted to cry and to kick him off again which I did. I just can't take him anymore. I never could take him.
I'm off AIM for a bit. Email me: skafunkmelt@hotmail.com and tell me nice things so I can feel better. If you don't have anything nice to say, just keep it to yourself until I'm in a better mood.