1. your name spelled backwards: anaid nitsirk nagear
2. where were your parents born? my dad was born in kansas city and my mother was born in tokyo
3. what is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? porn. joke joke. fonts.
4. what's your favorite restaurant? the olive garden.
5. last time you swam in a pool? i can't remember.
6. have you ever been in a school play? 8th grade. i wrote a play.
7. how many kids do you want? right now, none...time will tell.
8. type of music you dislike most? i like all kinds. disco?
9. are you registered to vote? nope.
10. do you have cable? not at home. in the dorms, yes.
11. have you ever ridden on a moped? nope.
12. ever prank call anybody? yup.
13. ever get a parking ticket? don't drive.
14. would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? sky diving.
15. furthest place you ever traveled: japan.
16. do you have a garden? yup, the boston public gardens, right across the street. not mine, but you know...public. haha.
17. what's your favorite comic strip? marmaduke (sp) fond memories of dad reading those to me as a kid.
18. do you really know all the words to your national anthem? not sure. probably.
19. bath or shower, morning or night? morning. shower. no bathtub.
20. best movie you've seen in the past month? Igby Goes Down (November...does that count?)
21. favorite pizza topping?: cheese.
22. chips or popcorn? depends...pringles are tasty. popcorn can be nice. who doesn't love that smell?
23. what color lipstick do you usually wear? lipgloss only.
24. have you ever smoked peanut shells? uh, no.
25. have you ever been in a beauty pageant? no way.
26. orange juice or apple? orange. but i do enjoy apple cider.
27. who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? kate at the greenhouse cafe in harvard square.
28. favorite type chocolate bar? crunchie from jolly ole england.
29. when was the last time you voted at the polls? last year at the emerson election outside the dining hall. surely, that counts for something.
30. last time you ate a homegrown tomato? hmm...we don't grow tomatoes. well, we tried once.
31. have you ever won a trophy? yes, two. both for the dallas japanese speech contest. one for runner-up and one for sixth place.
32. are you a good cook? if i had a cookbook or a patient helper.
33. do you know how to pump your own gas? mom makes me do it all the time.
34. ever order an article from an infomercial? i love infomercials but no.
35. sprite or 7-up? sprite. just had one today.
36. have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? nope.
37. last thing you bought at a pharmacy? cold medicine.
38. ever throw up in public? perhaps as a baby.
39. would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? true love.
40. do you believe in love at first sight? yes.
41. ever call a 1-900 number? no.
42. can ex's be friends? yes, i'm friends with almost everyone.
43. who was the last person you visited in a hospital? dad, when he hurt his back in maryland.
44. did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? nope. none. (hey, i hear that snickering.)
45. what message is on your answering machine? you have reached extension 7146...something something something
46. what's your all time favorite saturday night live character? the guy that made the dangerous toys or perhaps the shark. wayne and garth. goth talk. hard to pick one.
47. what was the name of your first pet? leo.
48. what is in your purse? gum. pens. id. keys. wallet. tissues. more pens. post-its.
49. favorite thing to do before bedtime? read.
50. what is one thing you are grateful for today? still being at emerson and for 13 still chatting with me.
51. if you were to die tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? my friends and family.
52. name one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with? barbara or tuffy, my cats.
53. what would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex? scream. then get over it.
54. what is your dream career? musician.
55. if you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be? amelie. sigh.
56. what do you secretly love reading? um, erotica. i don't really keep it a secret though. i also don't read it that often.
57. what do you secretly love watching? cartoons like Oswald (obviously for four year olds) and all those kids shows on PBS
58. you're allowed one super power, what would it be? good judgement.
59. if you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? gardenburgers
60. what's the cheesiest thing you secretly love? stars and thunderstorms.