HOT HOT HEAT. Mmm...can't get much better than post-punk.
So, here I am...I have so much to do and no motivation to do it anymore. I don't want to go home nor do I want to stay here. I realize that I just hate a lot of people. I think sometimes that a lot of the problems that I have are fictionalized. I'm probably a huge drama queen in disguise. I crave some sort of attention. I just can't find what I want. I don't know and that's the truth. I just knew that once upon a time there was a time that I was happy. I can't remember when it was but I think it was a long long time ago.
You are my artificial happiness. Good luck.
Diana's Christmas List:
Old Navy Pajama pants in Medium (because I'm not sure what size I wear)
Socks (wow...look how lame I am. Not WHITE. Argyle would make my day and well, I really want knee highs.)
Pot. a COOKING pot.
Mug (for hot chocolate in my room, not to mention the option for hot tea)
Polaroid Camera/Camera with a zoom that isn't too big so I can sneak it into shows
White belt
belt buckles
record player, especially one of those cute ones that you can carry around with you aka portable
i can never have too many pens, post-its or lip gloss
stuffed animals: swan or giraffe
Nirvana (Nevermind...probably the last person in the world not to own this CD)
Silverchair (Neon Ballroom and Freak Show)
White Stripes (De Stilj)
Ryan Adams bootlegs
Smashing Pumpkins Vieuphoria Sdtk (necessity for the collection)
The Deathray Davies -
The Return of the Drunk Ventriloquist and
Drink with the Grown-ups and L
something punk...since I talk about it so much but don't actually listen to it at all. i got the ska-punk covered though. i'm open to suggestions.