The Hipster Brigade
Friday, December 06, 2002
You want some great songs...go read lyrics by The Smiths. They're so awesome. It's amazing the punch a pop song can have. I know that a lot of people have found The Smiths but I just found them and they are pretty amazing. Well, I found them last year and they're just simply wonderful.

Ryan Adams lyrics make me cry and make me laugh. Some are ridiculous and some are just clever. It doesn't matter because when he sings them they are nothing but pure genius, liquid smooth romance.

Hot Hot Heat have some of the best lyrics I've read lately. Short, simple but they make you think.

Smashing Pumpkins. Nuff said.

The White Stripes also have some of the most romantic songs. I don't know there's something so pure and simple in their lyrics. They're lyrics remind me of the kind of romance I want for myself. Slighty, greasy and from the garage. They are just so good without having a lot. That doesn't sound right. There's more there than meets the eye. Go enjoy them. I encourage it for your own sanity.

For some silly fun, try the Aquabats. A certain boy with whom I am more than fond with introduced them to me. The joys of silly ska songs. Go listen to Pizza Day and tell me it's not addicting. I would listen to it over and over. I guess I just like relaxing and not taking it anymore. I do that through the simpleness of ska.

I'm not so good with punk bands. I'm all about post-punk or something like that. The Liars...I guess. I don't know. I have a couple songs on my computer. There's a buzz about them and sometimes that's good. The buzz (is there still one?) aobut the Strokes was so dead on. I don't care if it's unhip to like them. Their songs are brillant and you can dance to them. What more could you ask for? Dancing around in your room in front of the mirror belting out the Strokes. I mostly do that with White Stripes songs but you know...we all have our little fetishes.

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