FIRST...this is hilarious. what's up with all these people knowing sean dack? this is going to become a fucking fan club for him, yo. that would be hilarious. SEAN are you out there? do you have the time for a little peak? i mean how does everyone find this site anyways and then comment on sean dack...i mean unless you were searching under his name, you know. i don't know maybe it's a strange conincidence. to be honest, i think sean is hot and well, yeah i don't know anything else. so there.
today was cold. i trekked it across campus about a thousand times. i need to take a nap and than email my old professor my Incomplete paper. woohoo. dumb jane eyre. it's due on thursday. i can barely stand it. yeah yeah. so nothing else excited happened. i need to read.
my magazine writing class is amazing. it makes you think about what you are reading and where you want to work. i need to start reading magazines front to back. i'm really bad at skipping. i must settle down. for some reason, i'm started swearing like a mother fucking pirate lately. yeah, that one was on purpose. i'm going to try and not though. it's relaly not my thing. well, pirates are my thing but yeah.
sorry about my lame entry. tis lame lame lame. later, homeskillet.