someone keeps asking me out on dates. someone is thinking of me. i do not want to be with someone. someone is everyone. everyone is something i cannot take. the someone in my head is the someone that is not here. here is nowhere. nowhere is hell. hell has seven kinds of jelly donuts. doughnuts. they are not as good as krispy kremes. it is hell afterall. actually. someone lives right by a krispy kreme. conincidence. no way. i wish i was back home. i wish i could just be with someone. he might not make me happy but at least it is easier being lonely with him than it is being lonely here.
i think i am beginning to feel numb. nothnig is right. i can't get myself up to do anything. i haven't eaten anything today but junk food. i feel gross. why is the tenth floor so far up? why am i so far down? why are you not around? why am i here and you are there and we cannot connect and the past is ripping things up that i can't understand.
I AM LEAVING YOU, MARK. go the fuck away. yes, i have broken the ties that bind. (i am good at lying.)