wow. wouldn't it be nice if i update this for real? um, yeah sure would. watch out because you got your wish.
yay. so i'm back in town. beantown. do i like my town being associated with beans? i'm not sure, i'll get back to you on that one.
while taking down posters i sliced my hand open. ok, my finger. ugh. i let it bleed because i couldn't find a bandaid. then i had to reteach myself how to type with an extra big bandaid finger. sigh.
NO MORE HOLD ON MY ACCOUNT. i can now go to classes. this is a good thing, yes?
i had breakfast today at 3:00 pm without realizing it. i got cereal, orange juice, yogurt, and an english muffin. i even went to a real breakfast and i still had breakfast in the afternoon. i miss home.
i think now would be a good time for mashed potatoes.
it's cold here. i'm too tired to update this well.
oh yes...label me as emo. i get it. i get it!!
GOT YOU! old entry.