The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, February 20, 2003
i don't understand couselors. i don't know what i'm suppose to say. i don't know how to resolve anything. i don't know what i want -- pure and simple. maybe i just need someone to listen to when i feel all "high maintenance and whiny." hah. my mom actually said that. how perfect. sigh. like mother like daughter i suppose.

i'm starting to realize i am not paranoid around boys anymore. i've also seem to overcome that fondness of ripping off the shirts and making out with all my guy friends. this is a great improvement. this has only been discovered in the last semester. i am making some sort of progress. i'm not even nervous around subway boy. i mean i'm careful but i'm still myself. yes, i must stop on the defense. i'm defensive about my passions and if someone is misinterpreting what i want them to understand. that's always frustrating, oh well. i don't think i write in full sentences anymore in here. i think this format and talking on aim has taken over my writing style. i really should write some cohesive things. oh well. i overuse that. heh.

i have this song stuck in my head: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by the The Flaming Lips. nikki or miss foo foo sang it to me over the phone. i can't even hear the guy's voice singing it because she sang it to me first. she is pretty amazing. i enjoy her guitar playing a lot. one day i'll do it too. i'm so impressed with her. sigh. ( sounds like i'm developing a girl crush on her. maybe. maybe not.) i'm funny.

Aaarrrr...back to work, mateys or i'll make you walk the plank. you know, pirates never said that? that's so annoying that pirates have been misrepresented in the media. that's really fair at all is it? i'm becoming a lawyer for Blackbird after i graduate. do you think he lives in chicago?

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