The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, February 04, 2003
i feel so secure right now. i feel like someone has wrapped me up in a huge toasty blanket and is holding me saying IT'S ALRIGHT, it's all alright now. you are now allowed to breath. the scratches on my arm show me how real things can get. that this is not a solution for anything. that i need to stop hurting myself. not that i have until now. i will never again. i will never allow my life to spiral out of control again. i'm on some sort of path right now. hopefully, not the path of destruction but on the path of REconstruction. i need some solace in my sad little world.

i promise, no more emo-ness here.

indie pride for sean dack, baybee.

sorry, i'm still allowed to laugh at it all because when i step back and peer into what i've done. it's funny. not in the ha ha way (well, sorta) but yeah, i understand how silly it all can be. and humor is afterall the best medicine.

thanks miss foo foo for all your help. hehe. you know who you are.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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