The Hipster Brigade
Wednesday, February 05, 2003
indie boys do it better.

i'm having a confidence issue in one of my classes. i must admit i'm pretty into "scene" culture. i mean just look at the links section on here. (i put a new one. look for it. it's awesome pins. woohoo!!) i guess i'm mostly interested because i'll never be accepted as a real "scenester," which is probably the best in the long run. i think i would tire of the scene. i don't know. i didn't want to give my ideas in class today for Magazine Writing because there's this one boy who writes for THE PHOENIX here in boston and i just feel that i'm sad case. i think having a clique like that exploits -isms but at the same time i think it's an interesting collection of people with some real passion for what they believe in. i can honestly say that music is one of the major things that keep me going. i think i would feel so lost without some rock 'n' roll involved somewhere in my life. emptiness and a deep void. maybe that's why i like to date musicians. they kiss the best anyways. alright, i'm not sure how accurate it is but it seems to me the boys i've kissed that have been in bands seem to be pretty good. at least, 3, perhaps more. yeah, i get musician booty. i'm that good. maybe i am scene though i doubt scene kids talk about sean dack, perhaps they do. i don't know. i'm not scene.


i feel much better right now. it's definately all the head's up pennies i've found recently. today, i found a heads up dime. ooh la la. i'm rolling in lady luck. i should go gamble before this streak runs out. i know i'll end up going down in flames soon anyways. i'm tired. how about you?

hold me. (sean dack) ooooh, two name droppings. hahahahaha.

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