The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, February 27, 2003

yes, i'm aware i named this entry fish. i am i am i am. i don't care.

how can one second change so fast? i'm on the train of life and it's like when you look out the windows and everything is flashing by and it's just blurs of color. then you angle your head a little differently and everything starts to look like normal again. then your jaw drops and there's the sadness creeping up on your back again. i'm not sure how to shrug it off. i'm not sure what triggers it. i just know that i'm getting tired of waiting for things to happen to me. that doesn't necessarily mean i want to go out and do things on my own. i just want one thing to make sense. ok, two things because i already feel like my life is getting into shape again. something something something fantastic is on the horizon waiting for it's chance to take me by surprise. it's blue, it's grey, it's pink and it will show me how to think again. i will never be the same. i have already changed so much.

i do not like fish. i do not like this. BUT i do. being a rock star is a hard job.

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