The Hipster Brigade
Monday, March 31, 2003
Battle for Sleep

my alarm clock has stopped working. this is simply not good. i have two alarm clocks and both have stopped doing the dingdingding electronic squeak that i love so early in the morning. why can't emerson just have some morning call service? i could really use it now. eh, it's not like me and sleep get along that well anyways. oh well. just put it in the top drawer with my other increasing problems list.

yesterday was way too long and i felt all lushy and got a bit drunk and they didn't even card me. sometimes i like feeling numb except that drinking often has an opposite affect on me. i just feel stupid and regretful. so NOT again and NOT any time soon. i also recommend not calling me on the phone when i'm this way because i just giggle and proclaim that i'm understanding and now i'm not so sure how much i remember. i mean i remember but it's a little hazy. i don't think i've ever been that drunk. eh. i guess i was drinking away missing two classes - one on accident and another on purpose. sigh. i'm not sure where my mind is lately. i need some duct tape and industrial strength staples. so i can secure that sucker on straight.

cigarettes will kill you. that might be what i want.

seriously, everything is okay.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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