The Hipster Brigade
Saturday, March 22, 2003

i'm probably dumb for posting this but that's never stopped me before. i'm a pretty irriational person. sudden impulse.

sooo, there's this boy i like. a lot. and tonight, though i sorta had thoughts about it, i had the chance to make out with someone. i didn't. i couldn't stop thinking about this boy that lives far away from me that i like. a lot. and yeah, it scares me. a lot. i waited all night to get back to my dorm room just so i could talk to him online. he had told me previously he was going to drink. i could tell from his IMs that he was not acting the same. then he called...and he was gone. and it just made me sad. so sad. i don't know why i'm even upset. this is silly and petty. i'm never liking anyone again.

poutpout. i feel so stupid letting my emotions get a hold of me. tip: don't listen to irrational impulse. how could a good thing like this happen to me? lies.

staining my cheecks with natural salt water. droplets form around my mouth.

i'm just upset now. i'm sure i'll regret this tomorrow when all the damage is out in the open. it's not like anyone reads this thing.


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