yes, folks i believe in horoscopes and love spells. i figure i don't have any other sort of spirituality, why not?
Today you could feel very determined when it comes to a certain auspicious romantic situation. The celestial atmosphere means that if you have been tempted recently to think that you can reach your goal just by sitting and looking pretty, you will suddenly realize the error of your ways.
The person in question wants a definite sign of commitment from you before they share their feelings.
good sign. maybe.
Romance is definitely on your mind, and if you aren't already involved in a domestic situation, you might consider it seriously right now.
what does all this mean?
my new love: The Postal Service
my new advice: don't listen to your pretentious indie rock friends when in doubt to download a new band with a great singer from another band. sigh.
why am i always behind? will you hold my hand and be my guide? i love alluding to a situation that doesn't really exist. i'm in love with strangers that don't realize i exist, perhaps i'll see them today on Boylston, perhaps not. do i really care? not really. i just keep telling myself that everything will be ok.