The Hipster Brigade
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
CHRIS CORNELL - can't change me

sigh. i apologize!

half my adv. magazine writing class is coming down with stress acne. i hate that class. that professor takes things way too seriously. ATTN: this is not the real world, this is college, and especially, this is EMERSON COLLEGE. wake up!

i'm so discouraged as a writer right now. i don't know what's right or what's wrong. i'm falling apart all over the place. doesn't anyone recognize me for what i am? a fiction writer. it's been a long time. i've had to occupy myself with song lyrics and haikus lately. my hobo band idea is starting to look way UP UP UP!!! it's spring and i'm tired. i saw blonde indie rock hair boy today. we crossed paths. i also spotted blue hair mini mohawk kid from 132. he did an eyebrows, "hey, i see you there" type thing to me today. things are looking up. they aren't. things are down. morale is down. i am down.

i've been thinking long and hard and i don't like the conclusions i've come too. i think a quick jab to the face could end my misery. nothing like showing off a black eye. i bet sabrina would do me the favor. sometimes, yes, i know it's horrible...that i lived in the LB. my one girl friend lives there, well two both conveniently on the same floor. sigh.

KILL ME! die die was not a good day.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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