The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, March 20, 2003

who needs rationality when you've got love? oh my god...gag me. yeah, like with a spoon.

indie kids. indie kids with guns. think about it. i don't even think hardcore kids would know what a trigger was. being tough if fake. i'll show you tough. hai ya. so yeah, bruce lee has nothing on me. no sir. when i was little i used to have conversations with my next door neighbor about how i hated guns and wished they were never invented. my other neighbors were hunters and would hang the deer they had "murdered" on the tree outside. i can't get that out of my head ever. i can remember standing on the side of my yard and just staring. staring. and feeling so helpless as what i could do to help the situation. i only thought hunting should be allowed if it's your main food source and you use all the meat and the skin for something. why kill something for a lousy head ornament to hang in the office? yeah, let's show everyone how i killed a deer that has no weapons with a gun twenty feet away. i'll never understand.

no meat. no fur. no war. wheee...protest!

i'm not one of those crazy people though. i believe what i believe and you can do whatever you want but i don't need to like it. i can leave the room and go make fun of you on the phone with dan. if i feel i need to vent. i'm not someone that will throw red paint on a stranger or go up to someone and call them a dick becuase they are wearing fur. what's the point? if i can help one person see or at least understand what is going on, then i know i have done something. i'm really tired of feeling helpless in these situations. i know i am only one human being and i will do what i need to do and what i can do but i know i can't do everything. am not tired. i can no sleepy. i wish you were here to snuggle right up next to me. ok, this only sounds cute when you are singing it with this la la la tune i just made up in my head. if i knew music theory or music or yeah...i would write it up for you in here for all to read. diana's cute stupid crush song. crushes suck because they make me all melty inside but warm in the middle. i think this is more than a crush but how can you tell?

also, how does one go from animal protest to crushes. well leave it up to me to change subjects. subjects are for losers. go get your five book notebook and take that, LOSER. ok, this is just ridiculous. GOODNIGHT, sweetheart. damn, that's a great british comedy.

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