i'm a hipster and you're the fool
This is a great time to try a more experimental approach to your love life. The current planetary energy indicates that if you have been working with the traditional way of dating, and have discovered this to be sadly lacking, you will need to come up with something completely new and untested. The more original, radical, and enthusiastic you are about your plan, the better chance it has of succeeding.
boy, change my approach to dating? more radical? i don't know how it could get anymore radical than how it is now unless i add llamas and penguins to the mix. i might have to do that, perhaps i could have a dog ask the boy out for me. a big german shepard and the note will be in that barrel things they always have around their necks for saving people in the alps. i wonder if they only have those in cartoons. something to ponder, yes.
there's a sign in our elevator that says the license for the elevator is in the manager's office or something like that. i wonder if i can go and ask to see that file. oooh, maybe i can call on that walkie talkie they have in 132. i bet that's exactly what it's for. special elevator requests for 100. i bet i bet i bet.
i'm addicted to this song: 3 libras by a perfect circle. thanks a lot
i am drinking the world's hugest ice coffee and it cost under $2 from dunkin' donuts. nice! i didn't think a large was sooo huge. at least i'm all alert for The World Since 1914 and fletcher johnson. stupid valentine. got me nowhere. sometimes i wonder why i am even nice or even try. BAM! then i remember because i can't help it.
have you ever noticed that there seem to be a lot of german tourists in boston? i hear them all the time. and whenever i hear japanese tourists or anyone japanese speaking, i want to but in so badly...sumimasen...ringo ga sukidesuka? ...but since all i can remember is "do you like apples?" i bet they would just laugh in my face. i can also say, "it's cold isn't it?" and "it's hot isn't it?" or "it's good weather out, isn't it?" haha. i can remember one day of the week. thursday. mokuyoubi. i think i spelled it wrong. oh well. i forgot my japanese books at home. DAMMIT! that makes me sad.
HEY...if you know japanese and live in boston, please teach me. tutor me please. also, if you can do it for not a lot of money or none at all...that would be bloody fantastic. thanks thanks thanks. i just need someone to go over katakana and hiragani with. i need to remember all those simple phrases again. also, teach me to say, "where is the bathroom?" and "i love you." because i never learned those. haha. sigh.
The Hipster Handbook...says that Ryan Adams is a perfectly suitable hipster crush. yesss...i'm in.
i shouldn't care so much about being cool, but really how can i help it. i got a compliment on my man's jacket again today. i rule. no wait, geerah rules since she got it for me. i love that jacket more than...uh, chex mix, that's a lot of love, yo.