it seems that lately i've become a wee bit obsessed with my old
LJ. i've started joining communities. i've dropped out of some. i've commented on them. sigh. i'm busy with the ljs and currently in love with this
boy who is in love with ryan adams and i'm sure we could listen to ryan together and be equally in awe. though being a music elitist has its downfalls. wait! it does not.
i found this great quote from an old entry: "i think me and conor oberst would probably be a good match because i mean if a person can see that much sadness in the world i think i could understand them pretty well. it's pretty ridiculous."
ha! i amuse myself to no end. have you ever realized that saying makes no sense? also, saying something as fuck. i don't get it. not to say i don't use the phrase often. i do.
today, i did laundry. and the dryer didn't do its job and now i have 20 wet t-shirts. hooray for me. i'm going to take a nap for a bit.