The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, March 20, 2003
No War No Way

"You know what this rally needs? Snoop Dogg." oh yeah, represent. i'm sorry but the rally did not need snoop dogg. it needed people to take it more seriously. i hated when i was listening to the speakers how people were still chattering. we are here united as one and why are you people talking about how much your pumas cost? don't you understand why we are here?!

at first, it had to be one of the most uncomfortable things for me to do. mostly because i didn't have a rally buddy. i felt awkward standing alone as a party of one with my peace sign arm band, but once we started marching things changed. i couldn't believe how happy and how motivated i felt. i actually felt like i was doing something and even though this might not stop the war and we might not get our troops back, i felt like i belonged to a group of people that were just as mad and frustrated as i was. war is not a beautiful thing. there is nothing good about a war. war is murder. it figures, that Bush is from texas and texas everyone is fried. that's all he knows. i'm sorry but no excuses. not anymore. Bush is not my president.

NO BLOOD FOR OIL. Bush is the terriost. fighting for democracy is like fucking for virginity. bush + dick = fucked. freedom fries?

those were just some of the signs i saw. i wish others could see them the same way i did.

i really don't think pot belongs at a rally. being a hippie is an attitude not an addict.

i wish i could march around everyday. my feet will be sore for a long time.

bikes not bombs. what does it mean? no clue. but i saw it on someone's bike and liked it. a lot.

look for me on tv. i'm sure i'll be on photos on the web too. PEACE!

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