The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
One of Those Nights

this is me at 5 am in the morning. it's amazing the headings that site has. it makes me happy i'm not the only one.

tonight or rather, this morning i couldn't fall asleep because i was a) too busy staring at my ryan adams picture on my computer speaker and b) i took a fucking nap. i decided to listen to a bunch of mp3s i have on my computer i forgot about. i need to defragment my drives again but of course, i never have 16% of that space it needs. i'm listening to arab strap. it makes me feel like dancing but sleeping at the same time. i just want to lie down for hours and stare at the ceiling. i miss looking outdoors at something other than the grey walls of fisher college. sometimes i hate my life. right now, i'm pretty content. i couldn't be happier if i tried, because if i did try...i think i would seriously hurt myself. i'm really hungry for mashed potatoes.

my mom was joking when she got me hooked on this british comedy. The Young Ones is hilarious. i'm rick in the show. it's so sad that i'm the whiny ugly zitty one but that's true...i'm whiny and angry just like he is in the show. once he got upset because people were making noise while he was watching television and he did something that was so diana it was spooky. i suggest downloading an episode or two if you can. another, britcom that i found amazing is Only Fools and Horses, which has a snappy theme song that'll get stuck in your head. I'm sure there are plenty of british comedies i could rave about here but i won't because, ok...i will. watch: Chef, Coupling, this show about this guy that's a superhero and is married to a normal person and i can't remember the name, Fry and Laurie, RED DWARF <3, not a comedy but still awesome, Robot Wars. I can't think of anymore.

i need a stuffed animal. my bed is too lonely. something medium and squeezable. i'd prefer a giraffe or an eeyore. thanks.

i was supposed to go to sleep at 10 pm not wake up at 10 pm. oh drats!

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