...on the streets of Harvard Square. If you are really interested in seeing me nervous, watch me exit John Coffee's History class to go meet the boy I haven't seen in 9 years.
i want one of those iced coffees from Dunkin' Donuts with extra sugar and extra cream. i have only been in the Dunkin' Donuts attached to our school - 3 times. Hmm. also, i have a craving for burritos again and ever since i found that place that sells huge burritos for $5 i can't stop thinking about them. i think it's going to be another big burrito day for diana. mmm.
Do: listen to the theme to Knight Rider while walking to class. if you see me giggling with headphones on, it's probably because i got to track 10 on that mix i made. it's really fun.
Not to Do: style your hair before you go to bed and expect it to look "that good" when you walk up. now, i have to wash it and it looks really awful. eek! all this before i see mr. ihavenotseenyouin9years boy. sigh. i hope he's worth it. i mean, i hope he isn't annoying or something. gah.