The Hipster Brigade
Wednesday, March 26, 2003

ROAR fuckers! ok, i got that out of my system. sometimes the only way you can stay up all night without drugs is by listening to Sahara Hotnights and it makes me want to be all punk rawk and beat up people with bats and be part of that punkxrockxsquad and take on The Man and beat his lily white ass down. ok, i think i'm done now.

isn't it funny how you become friends with some people? some people just drop in uninvited and it's so amazing. there's this beautiful, awesome girl that i met in one of my classes last semester. i care for her a whole lot. she's helped me so much and helped me grow as a person. seriously, i don't know where i would be without her guidance and wisdom. some days it's her voice that makes me realize, "hell yeah, i kick ass." i want her to understand that it doesn't matter what other people do and that it's her she needs to worry about. only her. and that some people aren't worth wasting your time on. i know this. i've wasted my time over and over again and people will drop into your life and make you realize that it's you that's important and before you can recognize that things might be a little shaky. i've never felt this confident. this complete. this something. i don't even feel myself. the anger is gone. the grief has faded. there is something sunny underneath my ghost shell. finally, i'm full and i can drop the empty facade as fun as that was being sad and lonely all the time, i'll kick it to the curb just to feel this alive.

i can't stop dancing and i don't care who is watching. i can't stop singing and i don't care who's listening. i'll spit in your eye before you persuade me that "it's fault" and not just something wrong with you. i'm sorry that some people had to go, but that's just how it goes sometimes. eventually, you need to realize that you do things to make you happy and not to make other people happy.

i sound so preachy. sorry. i just want HER to know that i'm finally ok and that i'm glad she's worrying for me, because i worry about her as much. xoxo

i wish i had the sparkles in my eyes that you posess so naturally. you are a STAR and don't let anyone tell you, you aren't.

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