The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Silly and Sensitive

i think it's fun to answer questions from other people's blogs and post them in my own because i like to procrastinate and not write my super dooper important paper.

my favorite animals are cats, but if i were to be reincarnated i would want to be a duck. my turn ons: thin wrists, nice hands, blue eyes, indie rock hair, scarves (you know like the winter stripey ones), painted nails, touching me when we talk, sarcasm and wit, intelligent dialogues, bookish fellows. turn offs: jocks, close-mindedness, putting down things i like just because you don't like it. my family is like this: grandma, dad, sister, 14; two black cats and a dog. i used to have a guinea pig i loved to death. james pumpkins todd reagan. yes, he had multiples names due to living in two different households. i loved him to death. the cats are named: tuffy, becuase she is hefty and barbara and we just got her that way. i do not like proper grammer or breaking apart sentences and i like fragments. like this one. my dad is working in germany right now for Deutsch Telecomm. i totally butchered that as usual. My mom used to teach grades 3rd - 8th and i wish she still did because she is the best teacher in the world. my mom and i have been called twins before. i was frightened. we do a lot of things together and i don't know what i woudl do without my mom around. aww. my grandma is 100% japanese and she's feisty and fun but we live in her house and she doesn't like it. i think i understand why or at least begun to understand.

i dream of all sorts of things. like at night? in the day? i never stop dreaming. i need to glue my shoes to the ground. my head is in the clouds. last night i dreamt of derek. i miss his wrists and his intellectual banter. sigh sigh. i imagine living in a nice apartment like the one in Igby Goes Down with that whole minimalism style working with me but we all know i am a collecter. i can't get enough of junk. i pick stuff off the street and bring it back to my room to display. a broken cell phone. a leather glove with fake fur trim. it's so warm and i wish i had it's partner. a lovely rock, good for breaking windows. a name tag from a hotel, probably one of the maids. Jessica Pena...i have your name tag! I want to have an agora rabbit or a guinea pig or hamster. yeah, i like rodents. hehe. of course, chicago is the perfect city for this action. i'll probably hate it once i get there.

i don't have an idol. i used to look up to a lot of musicians but i don't really idolize anyone. i am obsessed but i wouldn't use the word idol. hmm...i have to say that i wouldn't have picked up that pencil if it hadn't been for roald dahl. he is my writing muse though my tastes have grown.

i'm fragile. watch out! bleh. i hate fighting with people. ok, not fighting but having semi-arguments and being confused and thinking people are better friends than they are really are. i am so much more than a good time. come on, friends are not just playmates.

i feel scarfy. i blame it on this guy! woo, justin rocks my socks off...oooh, should i say scarf? he is mp3 mad and i don't mind.


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