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Dan says it's cheating and that he can't be creative ripping off someone else's idea but i say fuck that.
Are there people you know that you wish you know better? What do you wonder about them? What things do you think about them that you never tell them, never will? Do you wish you could?
there are people here at emerson i'm completely fascinated by. i see them almost daily. like short indie rock hair blonde boy, i've developed a crush on him because i see him so much. i want to know what music he likes. what shows he is going to. everything but i'll probably never talk to him. there is extremely utterly emo boy that has a girlfriend that i am jealous of and they make me "aww" and "ooh" everytime i see them together. there's that guy carlos in that band, Parker House and Theory, that for some reason just irritates me whenever i see him. i'm not sure why. he acts too suave and that bothers me. a lot. there's Ghetto Tavis who decided to grow a goatee and he looks really bad and someone should tell him to hack that sucker off. he smokes outside of 120 sometimes. there's mike that i know justin knows that i thought was super funny at Rant Night and have developed a "comedy" crush on. i'm not sure what that means but i was tempted to sit and eat lunch with him today when i saw him sitting alone watching CNN. i'm a lot cuter that the US Troops, well, at least some of them. what's up with Bradley on the 10th floor? does he like me? does he like anyone? we had an email tag thing going on a while back. there was this kid named Eric that now lives on 12th floor that i always attracted to but i found out that he's like the 12th floor slut, so i'm not interested anymore.
why did this only turn into talking about cute guys i'm interested in? there are girls too. like the ones with the chelsey's and that awfully skinny one with the white belt. are they mean? i'm imitated by them. do they dance at shows? does anyone dance at shows anymore? or is just me?
today was lazy and it really shouldn't have been. i went shopping and i bought a $5 flower from one of those women and i knew i was scammed but i can't say no once i'm suckered in to those things. plus, she has some facial hair and made me uncomfortable and sad for her. she was from phoenix, az and that made me think about someone i know there and how i miss him a lot. i wonder if the SK even still reads this anymore. sometimes it's harder to get over people than expected. he was one of the most important people of my life and than all of sudden he's not even a tiny part. he's just air and a name and something that was but never was at the same time.
are skinny ties still in?
peanut butter is not a good idea when you have a sore throat. :-(
i'm trying to use reason nowadays instead of being impulsive like i normally am. i don't want to commit to things i'm not sure of. all i know is that right now i can't tell who i'm interested in or not. i'm just happy being all by myself and it's going to take someone from a million states away to order me post-its and have them delivered to boston to win me over. oh wait, they got here today. damn. i find myself slipping but it's much too crazy to even think about and i find myself pulling myself out again and again. i will not lose myself again. whenever i show interest in someone they end up not liking me or leaving or i end up really disappointed. i'm afraid to try because when i do all things point to failure. i'm getting that big fat red light now and i'm stopping. stopping. s t o p p i n g!