The Hipster Brigade
Sunday, April 27, 2003

ben gibbard of death cab for cutie and the postal service has a voice so honest that it makes me want to go find him, scoop him up and comfort him for all his years. then i saw his picture. i was surprised because i seriously cannot understand how that voice can come out of him. i don't know. i was thinking fragile little emo boy. not ben at all. well, maybe deep inside. do you ever have this happen to you? where you listen to a band for months -- one of those too cool to have a picture in the liner notes bands -- get curious and find out that they weren't what you expected at all. it can happen with most things. like when you talk to someone online and see their picture, but then in person they are completely the unexpected. that's happened to me more than once.

although, i have to admit to liking bands based based on good photo shoots or a catchy title. if it wasn't for that zero shirt i might still be listening to top 40.

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