The Hipster Brigade
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
Dan Golden is Out of Control

a retaliation needs to take place. there are some things people feel passionate about and that for me is animal rights. i'm not extremist but i do care. i'm not pushing it on anyone, but i find animal death really upsetting. i don't care if you find it funny -- go laugh it up some place else -- while i close my ears. i'm the sort of person that catches spiders and lets them out of their house. i bury all my pets in the backyard in shoeboxes and make little grave stones. i mean, yeah, i understand the humor behind it. i do. i just don't think it's funny. isn't it okay to ask for you not to tell it over here?

this is my pet story:

my senior year of high school my goldfish, D'arcy, died. she had been alive for about 3 years and she was huge. she had those beta long fins and she was one of the most beautiful goldfishes i had ever seen. my mother the humanitarian or animalitarian, in this case, was in charge of her. she treated that fish better than me. i didn't mind. D'arcy deserved it. we had gotten her free at the Texas State Fair. someone didn't want that puny light-colored goldfish. boy, were they ever stupid. she turned into something else. one of those fish you could show if they have special fish shows or something. however, D'arcy got sick. she had this bizarre case of what i like to call, Bubble Eye. it never went away but she seemed alright, but then the fin rot kicked in and we had to take action. we medicated poor Miss D'arcy with special medical salt in her aquarium. she lived a long time for a State Fair fish, but mom was still devastated when she kicked the bucket. in fact, it's still hard for her to actually look at goldfish.

now, the unfunny funny part. we buried her in the backyard. it was nice and quant with only a few hundred of our closest friends attending. ok, just three of us. shut up. and that was that. BUT, one night i didn't feel like trudging out and taking the dog on a real walk so i let him out in the backyard. well, he was taking a particularly long time so i went out to check on him. and yeah, there was D'arcy in his mouth. i stopped dead in my tracks. my dog, eddiekins, had our dead goldfish in his mouth. he wasn't eating it. he was just running around with it in his mouth. i finally got him to let it go. i was so disturbed that mom had to bury her again. by the way, this was about three days after her passing.

you know it would have been semi-funny/disturbing once but the dog did it two more times after that. we finally had to bury her under a huge rock in a big box. i'll never forget it. i suppose Eddie missed D'arcy, too.

p.s. i would direct link to dan's obviously upsetting story but it won't work for me.

p.p.s. i found the comments on the story about as upsetting as the story itself.

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