The Hipster Brigade
Sunday, April 13, 2003
Nice Day for a Stroll

when i start thinking about someone i haven't seen a long while and i've finally given up hope, they reappear. what does it mean?

today, miss nikki and i went for sushi and shopping. in newbury comics, where i spent too much on cds (elephant by white stripes and faithless street by whiskeytown), i picked up a copy of Skyscraper Magazine because someone i know writes for them. i contemplated purchase but decided to wait for next weekend. i hadn't seen this mr. magazine writing kid for awhile. surely, he had disappeared. people like him don't just work at Urban Outfitters (though there was a rumor circulating that he did at one time work there) and when nikki asked me to accompany her as fashion advisor in the dressing room, i didn't think twice. imagine my fright and (mind dance) when there behind that wall magazine kid...brian.

he's growing his hair out. and all i like it...a lot. while nikki tried on her capris, i observed brian in action. there's no way i could work there. too many people. and the more i eyed him up, the more i imagined what our dates would be like...sunday mornings with the velvet undergound and relaxing on the couch while i played with his hair. he has the best taste in music. maybe that's a poor reason to like someone. there are other reasons - sense of humor, fashion, honesty.

if i was allowed to choose one boy to share the rest of my life with, it would be someone like him.

so yes...nikki and i say a big fat no to capris. forever. short people and capris were never meant to be. sigh. my day has been improved. ah yes, best girly pals and brian. what more could a girl ask for?

well, blaze stein but that's a whole other story.

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