The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Office Supplies

everyone has things they enjoy. things they obsess over. things like AF, grilled cheese, indie rock, and converse sneakers. now, things i hanker are of the office supply persuasion. i can't help it. i see a post-it and i get excited. i have post-its everywhere. i make post-it art. just ask daniel. i always said that the way to my heart was to buy me post-its. obviously, it worked.

but it's not only post-its, it's gel pens. any kind of pen. typically, not boring standard ball points but they do the job and have catchy slogans on the side like: Carl's Automotive Repair and Willy's Steak Shack. i often find the best ball point pens on the sidewalk.

sharpies, pencils, fountain pens, ink wells, stationary, envelopes, pencial cups, etc. all these things consume my desk and working areas. i have drawers full of scraps of paper for "art" projects. i have stationary and andy warhol stamps. letter writing a lost art form in itself. interested in being my pen pal? let's trade po boxes.

obsessions drive people. i've always had little obsessions fueling my interests. mostly leading me to the next one. after awhile, they seem to connect. it's like when you are taking classes and they begin to overlap with each other. it's funny how small the world can be. how we are connected to each other.

other quirks:

-little boxes
-books about music
(check out: the exes, high fidelity, namedropper, the perks of being a wallflower)
-magazines about music
(check out: copper press, skyscraper, spin, punk planet)
-children's little playsets
(yay! hamtaro.)

what's up with the bigger meanings at the end of my entries? i'm not henry rollins.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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