Squirrels: Special Dan Edition
today, i bought a new book,
Don't Sleep with Your Drummer by Jen Sincero, and i decided to enjoy it in the Common. then, on my right, a squirrel came by with an inquiry. i knew i had a sugar cookie in my jacket pocket. did squirrel know? hmmm. it wiggled its nose at me for a few minutes before giving up. i felt like maybe i knew this squirrel from the Public Gardens, Bob, who i had named and had a "moment" with. he was nice enough but there was something about today that i just didn't feel like sharing my sugary delights with him. they were MINE. all mine. i teased the napkin in my pocket with my ring finger. still secure. i thought at any moment that Bob would pouce on my face and eat my eyes out. (blame it on Pet Semetary) but luckily, he knew it wasn't his day and he left to frollick with his other friends.
verdict: squirrels are a lot like homeless people, just without a starbucks cup and the alcohol dependecy.
i feel bad for them. i want to crochet them little booties to keep their feet warm. i sometimes throw spare change at them and they roll it into their tree trunks. yeah, the simlarities are endless.
note to self: everyone loves sugar cookies, even squirrels.