The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, April 22, 2003

becareful what you wish for. example: while walking through the common last wednesday, i wished for 40 degree weather and what did we get -- cold weather over the weekend. last night, walking through the common (yet again) i wished for rain. today's results: pouring rain. mother nature and i are tight. i should listen to my prayers because they get answered. so why am i always so unprepared?

one lucky penny seems to lead to another lucky penny. i found one sunday. i found two monday. i found a quarter today. all heads-up and glittering in a puddle in the middle of boylston street.

why is my bonsai tree attracting fruit flies? too moist? hmmm.

i think i've decided on some things in my life that are solid. they are:

-record store
-seattle or london (what can i say? i enjoy rain.)
-chicago apartment at some point in my life
-NY just so i know what it's like

things fall into place right when you think everything is crumbling apart. my heart a puddle.


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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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