The Hipster Brigade
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
long awaited

watermelon italian ice and long lazy days in the commons. i'm not one to like sunny days but there's something about nice weather in boston. not to mention, i stumbled upon some new restaurants that i didn't knew existed. yay!

yesterday was an amazing and tiring day. there was of course, the packing. i was panicked and rushed about it. i really hate moving days. nikki made sure to take care of me though. she watches my back. some days i don't know what i would do without her. it was also her birthday where she recieved some of the most beautiful flowers i've ever seen. so deserving so beautiful. her birthday dinner at bennigan's was amazing as well. at first, i felt awkward with all these people i didn't know, but nikki's the best hostess. she made sure everyone knew everyone and encouraged inter-mingling. her friends are much fun. i got tipsy off of irish coffee and chatted with a boy named alex that i had in a speech class. he has glasses. *swoon* either nikki's rubbed off on me or i've never realized how much i like people with glasses. my mom is the same way -- both of her boyfriend (dad included) had glasses. i think it's just pure conicidence, but ian wears them too. haha.

after leaving her for the walk home to 100, i smiled and said "good evenings" to strangers. it's amazing what the company of wonderful friends will do to your mood. i wish i could push repeat and play those days over and over again.

i'm so rarely genuinely happy! nikki makes me smile like no other.

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